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Revenue from Tahoe’s Transient Occupancy Tax is being used to fund big projects!


Revenue from Tahoe’s Transient Occupancy Tax is being used to fund big projects!

The initial application proposes up to 110 units of rental housing and for-sale housing targeted to meet regional housing needs comprised of 80 rental units and 30 for-sale units. The project is proposed on the 11.4-acre Nahas property, which was purchased by the County in October 2019 with financial support from the Truckee Tahoe Airport District. This County-owned property is located near schools, transit routes, trails, and other services making it an ideal location for members of the local workforce and their families.

To learn more click here

Placer County recognizes that the peak travel demands along State Routes 89 and 267 need to be addressed.

A dedicated transit lane will allow transit vehicles to continue past congested portions of 89 and 267.

The Resort Triangle, a center-running, reversible bus-only lane could improve traffic delays in the region.

Learn more about the Resort Triangle Transportation Plan by clicking here.

The project consists of pedestrian improvements and a new roundabout at and around the intersection of State Route (SR) 267 and North Lake Boulevard (SR 28), to enhance the safety and mobility of all roadway users, and to expand the streetscape aesthetics of the area. This project is putting SR 28 on a Road Diet by converting the existing five-lane roadway segment to a three-lane segment consisting of two through lanes and a center, two-way left-turn lane. To learn more click here