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Tahoe Update


Tahoe Update

Greetings Fellow Life Travelers:

Cooler temps this week but heading back up the thermometer as we move into next week.  I read the other day that we’re getting into a La Niña period which may mean a cooler summer for us.  Attended the Tahoe Lakefront Owners’ Association meeting yesterday – kickoff for summer with brief updates.  Garwoods does a fab job, donating Wet Woodys and wine for the occasion.  

  • Buoy enforcement is starting second week of June with efforts of TRPA, Dept. of Wild Life and State Lands to identify non-permitted buoys.  They will begin in Hurricane Bay, then to Tahoe Vista for starters.  Long time coming for all those who have been paying their fees over the years. For boat owners, important to have your Boat Card (basically your boat drivers license) that can be obtained on line.  For those over 60, you have one more year of grace period! 
  • Piers.  For 2025:  11 for multi-use; 1 for single use.
  • Homewood.  New gondola going in this summer.
  • Meeks Bay Resort.  EIR for revamping in motion.  Creek to be restored, cabins moved back to provide more beach access, no marina for rentals.
  • Revitalize Cal Neva.  Will be hotel only (no condos).  Nice presentation to public this last week.  McWhinney is the developer of Proper Hotels, one in Austin and one in San Diego.  New plan going to TRPA. 216 hotel rooms spread between main building and cottages.
  • Biltmore.  Not great news as that redevelopment is on hold for now.  Financing today is a huge challenge for developers.  Same issue for the Tahoe City Lodge project.
  • Rafting.  Gates to open mid-June so rafting will be back!
  • Water Level.  We’ll be at max so should have good water depth for next 3 years. 

Residential Real Estate – week 5/18 – 5/24

  • Tahoe Sierra MLS – North/West Shores & Truckee.  New Listings – 68; Escrows – 16; Solds – 24
  • Incline Village/Crystal Bay MLS.  New Listings – 25; Escrows – 6; Solds – 6
  • East Shore, NV MLS.  New Listings – 6; Escrows – 5; Solds – 1
  • Reno/Sparks MLS.  New Listings – 149; Escrows – 147; Solds – 115

So…listings are on a roll! For Tahoe Sierra, two West Shore lakefronts from last year returned with reduced prices. One lakefront home in a 6-unit compound on the West Shore sold.  Incline/Crystal Bay perked up with 25 new listings, one of which is a $15 Million home in Crystal Bay.  Tons of open houses for the weekend, so it will be interesting to watch the escrow action in the next week or two.

Local/Real Estate/Luxe

  • Y-0-Y Stats for Tahoe Sierra MLS:  53 more sales so far in 2024 than this same time last year; Median price is up $132,000.  For Incline/Crystal Bay, 27 more sales so far this year; 13 more for Reno/Sparks; 8 more for East Shore.   
  • Check out MAP’s colorful website re Taking Care of Tahoe:
  • Sierra State Parks – 50th year running the Visitor’s Center and Historic Home Tours. Free family-friendly Legacy Day at Donner State Park, June 8 from 10 to 3.
  • Toccata’s Classy Classics Series for summer, plus fund-raising Soirees at private homes:
  • Need for in-home Pet Sitter?  Check this out:
  • Private Island off Palm Beach, listed at $187.5Million with 28,000 sq.ft. of living space, sold last week for $152 Million.
  • Farmer’s Markets:  Truckee – Regional Park – Tuesdays until Oct 15, 8AM – 1PM; Incline Village – Library – Thursdays until August 29, 3 – 6PM; Tahoe City – Commons Beach – Thursdays until Oct 24, 8AM – 1PM.  For others in the Reno-Tahoe Region:
  • Music in the Park – free concerts – Truckee Amphitheater every Wednesday June 19 – Aug 28.
  • Truckee Thursdays – June 20 – Aug 15; 5 – 8:30 PM
  • Shakespeare Sand Harbor:  June 28 – Aug 25.  Merry Wives of Windsor and Always – Patsy Cline   plus Showcase Series of numerous musicians and 4 fun Reno Phil concerts.
  • North Lake Tahoe Historical Society – at the Y in Tahoe City.  Now open for summer.  Watson Cabin to open June 1.
  • Last weekend to ski.  As a friend calls it, “Squalisades skiing was great for ending the season!”



  • Here I am with all this talent bottled up inside of me and you’re always sitting on the cork.  Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) in “I Love Lucy”.
  • Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.  Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman) in “Parks and Recreation”.
  • So now cocaine is legal in Oregon, but straws aren’t.  That must be frustrating.
  • Dear paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers.  If you find one, what’s your plan?
  • I, too, was once a male trapped in a female body…but then my mother gave birth.
  • Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive. Anais Nin
  • Changed clouds to coulds, and now the sky is full of possibilities.  @minkpinkustink
  • Airlines trust I can operate an emergency door and usher hundreds of passengers to safety but think I need step by step instructions on buckling a seatbelt.  @smiles_and_nods.
  • No one can whistle a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra to play it.  Halford E. Luccock.
  • If you can’t see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror.  Shane Kayczan
  • Not to brag, but I was alive when you could SLAM the phone down to hang up on someone.  It was spectacular! 
  • I’m getting stronger with age.  I can now lift $100 worth of groceries with one hand.
  • At times I think, “Why should I push myself all those long hours in the rink?” But then I think, “How will I ever know how good I could have been?”  Michelle Kwan.
  • A wonderful bird is the pelican. / His bill can hold more than his belly can / He can hold in his beak / Enough food for a week, / But I’m damned if I see how the hell he can.  Dixon Lanier Merritt.
  • Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show. Joshua Becker.
  • Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. Dalai Lama
  • If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you’d never think a negative thought.

On a positive note, temps will pop up into the 70s starting Monday, nice change from the high 50s/low 60s we had this last week.   This weekend is the ‘official start to summer’; let’s give thanks on Monday for the freedom we have to enjoy it.   Have a great week and see you next time!  

Best wishes,
