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Let’s look at housing in Canada!


Let’s look at housing in Canada!

For starters, obviously buying, selling and living in this country is different from what we experience in the U.S., but not so different that we don’t want to engage at times.

Oh Canada! A totally different atmosphere than most places. The northern location means cold winters…probably colder than Truckee! Canada reflects a diverse population like we do, especially in urban centers. The real estate market is heavily regulated with financial requirements to invest, being
mindful of keeping housing affordable for residents. Eco-friendly environment is also strong. The real estate market is known for its stability, not to say that there aren’t hotspots. Canada offers spectacular
beauty with its incredible mountain terrain.

Canada has a distinct approach that reflects their unique cultural, economic and geographical contexts. As always, there are up and down sides to moving residency from the U.S. to another country, so do your research if thinking of a permanent move. Otherwise, explore the possibilities of a diverse experience for part of the year!