Greetings Fellow Life Travelers:
At last! Several Chamber of Commerce days! Blue skies, lake like glass, snow-covered mountains. Temps are up a bit during the day, back down at night, so my driveway is Lake Watson in the day and a skating rink at night (drain is totally covered in packed snow). No complaints as we are enjoying a bountiful winter on the slopes and in the restaurants and shops. Interest rates are settling a bit, inflation is moderating (except for the natural gas bill), and focus on recession is hopefully dissipating. Real estate activity is still pretty quiet here at Tahoe, but it’s not dead! With encouraging news from real estate pundits, sentiment is positive as we move forward in this new year. Now we’ll check out this last week’s results.
- Residential Real Estate – week 2/4 – 2/10
- Tahoe Sierra MLS – North/West Shores & Truckee. New Listings – 11; Escrows – 11; Solds – 7
- Incline Village/Crystal Bay MLS. New Listings – 4; Escrows – 1; Solds – 3
- East Shore, NV MLS. New Listings – 2; Escrows – 1; Solds – 1
- Reno/Sparks MLS. New Listings – 82; Escrows – 140; Solds 52
Another rather wimpy week in the biz. Reno/Sparks is outpacing new listings by quite a bit, a reflection of the continuing migration to that area with great tax benefits.
- Local/Real Estate/Luxe
- Toccata – Tahoe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus – has 3 more February concerts with Elizabeth Pitcairn and her Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius Violin. Additional Soiree fund-raiser at a private home on Feb 18. www.toccataTahoe.org
- Power boat drivers – licensing. New CA law requires power boat drivers to carry a California Boater Card on CA waterways unless exempted. Card proves holder has passed approved boating safety course. A NV resident operating a boat in CA is exempt as long as carries a NV Boater Safety Card. Age requirements for the card vary over 4 years. www.californiaboatercard.com (ED: Do not have info on how this is being monitored.)
- The Man Behind the Maps (Book) – Legendary Ski Artist James Niehues. Original hand-painted maps of over 200 ski resort trail maps from Aspen to Mammoth. Great Valentine’s present! $109 on Amazon.
- TRPA – Annual mooring registration fees are due no later than Jun 30, 2023. www.laketahoeinfo.org.
- TRPA – Mooring applications for buoys/boat lifts due by March 1, 2023. Drawing March 31. If you are eligible and win, then a complete permit application will be required.
- TRPA Pier application drawing In July 2023 for 3 single-parcel and 9 multi-parcel allocation will be awarded. Preliminary project proposals will be accepted from June 1 – Jun3 30.
- Life-saving tips: (See below)
- Shen Yun Zuo Pin. For those who love the Shen Yun productions, they are now available on line for a fee.
Homeownership: Romania has highest with 95.3%; the US had 65.8% in 2022 with 60% – 65% running for the last 50 years. Swanepoel Report
US Economy: 16.7% of activity comes from housing – construction and housing-related products. So, it’s important for our economy to have a healthy real estate market.
Net Worth: 40% greater for homeowners vs. renters. Swanepoel Report
Fascinating read: LIFE FORCE, by Tony Robbins in collaboration with 2 highly-respected docs in the New Medicine field for longevity, fewer surgeries and drugs. Some modalities available now, others in the pipeline.
- Entertainment
- Going to the Boat (training for carrier landings): https://player.vimeo.com/video/31549908?autoplay=1
(My Dad was Aircraft Overhaul Officer on the USS Bennington in WWII, keeping the planes aloft. No jets, and that boat was probably 1/8th the size of current carriers!)
- Bear and wildlife camera: https://tinyurl.com/7bfkj2r5
- TidBits
- When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine!
- Life is like homemade ice cream – sweet and seasonal. Enjoy it before it melts.
- It would be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes, then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller.
- Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life.” Kitty O’Neill Collins
- Only in America do drugstores make the sick walk all the way back to the pharmacy to get their prescriptions while healthy people buy cigarettes at the front.
- Only in American do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke.
- Why don’t you ever see the headline “Psychic wins Lottery?”
- Why isn’t there a mouse-flavored cat food?
- If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
- Give people to fish and you feed them for a day. Teach people to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months or years.
- Indian Hills signs: 1) My relationship with whiskey is on the rocks. 2) After my friend turned vegan, it was like I’d never seen herbivore. 3) Life without music would b Flat. 4) Reading while sunbathing makes you well red. 5) Kleptomaniacs always take things literally. 6) I named my IPod Titanic. It’s syncing now. 7) Try resistance training. Refuse to go to the gym. 8) Resolutions: In one year and out the other.
- More than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are sold each year. That’s 58 million pounds of chocolate! Happy Valentine’s Day!
And, 85% dark chocolate has benefits! Max 2.5oz a day. Have a lovely week!
Best wishes,