Greetings Fellow Life Travelers:
A little respite from snow storms this week with a few gorgeous days of blue skies, lake like glass and a tiny bump up in temps. This President’s weekend will be insane with good weather and the world here for skiing. Efforts are being made to somewhat control the outrageous traffic to Palisades and Northstar on weekend mornings. This subject is quite pertinent to Palisade’s desire to build out its village complex…lots of controversy and probably a long road for any kind of approval. Let’s see how the real estate road fared this week.
- Residential Real Estate – week 2/11 – 2/17
- Tahoe Sierra MLS – North/West Shores & Truckee. New Listings – 16; Escrows – 7; Solds – 15
- Incline Village/Crystal Bay MLS. New Listings – 6; Escrows – 4; Solds – 3
- East Shore, NV MLS. New Listings – 5; Escrows – 5; Solds – 3
- Reno/Sparks MLS. New Listings – 87; Escrows – 136; Solds – 57
For the TSMLS, sell to list price this week averaged 97%. Out of the 15 closings, only 5 were in the Basin, the rest in the Truckee area, including Northstar, Palisades and Donner Summit. A Martis Camp listing at $7.995M sold for $7.350M, showing a softening of list prices even at the high end. For IV/CB, there are 50 single family homes on the market, all over $1M with only 4 lakefronts. There is a total of 6 single family homes in escrow, with one new one listed at $8.6M that’s been on the market for a total of 2,530 days! On the East Shore, one Chase lakefront listed at the end of December at $8.995M went into escrow this week. For Reno/Sparks, a large property listed since September at $5.25M went to escrow…a nice number for that area.
- Local/Real Estate/Luxe
- Men’s World Cup Slalom will take place at Palisades Feb 24 – 26. There are still $2500 and $750 tickets available. https://worldcup.palisadestahoe.com/tickets/
- Upcoming 41st North Tahoe SNOWFEST will be from March 2 – 12. www.tahoesnowfest.org
- Trends on color for 2023. Away from the grey and white we’ve seen so much of, back to warm colors, pops of bright ones, large scale wall paper for punch in places. Consider ceilings a 5th wall, creating interest with geometric shapes, gloss paint. Forget accent walls; try dark blue for kitchen cabinets.
- Lamb Chop: Dancer still loves her Lamb Chop and now has double pleasure with giant Lamb Chop she got from Santa. This one, however, doesn’t fit through the dog door, so it won’t get to the burial ground.
- Luxury: This can mean different things to different people so there are numerous opinions. A new one for me is – Liberating! Jason Crosfeld, Costa Palmas
- $187,000 to Tahoe Fund for environmental programs from Vail guests over last 12 months. Donations were generated from $1 when purchasing lift tickets, golf rounds, season passes and lodging.
- Hans Burkhart, engineer who pioneered many aerial lifts including the Tram at Palisades, passed on February 3rd. His recent book – My Life Giving the World a Lift – is a great read and traces his incredible career.
- Earthquake Safety. There are ways to strengthen our homes. Check out www.strengthenmyhouse.com
- Portugal. One of the most popular countries for outbound migration from the US has announced it will halt its Golden Visa program.
- Lake Tahoe’s water level is up over a foot-and-a-half! Tahoe Fund
- Entertainment
- Lights on a Train. (Pretty trippy!) See below.
- TidBits
- This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came home and told Dancer.
- Hillbilly Wisdom: 1) Keep skunks, bankers and politicians at a distance. 2) Every path has a few puddles. 3) Don’t be banging your shin on a stool that’s not in the way. 4) If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. 5) The biggest troublemaker you’ll ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
- Why can’t women put on mascara with their mouths closed? (I remember noticing that watching mother when I was about 7.)
- Ever wonder why the sun lightens our hair but darkens our skin?
- Only in American do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
- When you know in your heart you deserve better, don’t ignore that! You’re about to walk into one of the best chapters of your life! Shane Steele
- A Mandate isn’t a law; it’s when 2 men go to dinner.
- I asked the supermarket worker where they kept the canned peaches. He said “I’ll see”, and walked away. I asked another and he also said, “I’ll see”, and walked away. I gave up and finally found them on Aisle C.
- For most people when you lose your ‘khakis” you’ve lost your pants. When you’re from Boston and lose your “khakis”, you can’t start your car.
- Seasons. (See below)
So, weather the weather whether it’s snowy or sunny and see you next time!