Greetings Fellow Life Travelers:
Just like that! AI (Artificial Intelligence) is topic of the moment, impacting the real estate business as well as most others. What took Facebook months to reach 1M subscribers, ChatGPT took 2 months. It’s here to stay and we’re all challenged with its attributes. The easy one is script…I write a description of a new listing, send it to ChatGPT and within seconds it comes back with enhanced verbiage. The caveat is to read it carefully and amend what isn’t quite right and make it sound like it came from you. There is an app that can determine how much is real and how much is AI, so professors are watching carefully when it comes to homework, term papers, etc. Applies to career applications too! In addition, this cool tool (one of several on the market now) can answer questions, and it’s way faster than Google. But…Google is developing its own AI program, now in Beta testing. It’s one thing to know what’s going on in the local real estate market, now we must know what’s coming down the pike. Not sure AI is quite there yet, but it’s coming. Technology is moving forward faster than ever – keep up – or miss out! Let’s see what moved fast in real estate this last week.
- Residential Real Estate – week 04/22 – 04/28
- Tahoe Sierra MLS – North/West Shores & Truckee. New Listings – 24; Escrows – 11; Solds – 6
- Incline Village/Crystal Bay MLS. New Listings – 11; Escrows – 1; Solds – 2
- East Shore, NV MLS. New Listings – 8; Escrows – 3; Solds – 4
- Reno/Sparks MLS. New Listings – 115; Escrows – 145; Solds – 121
Pretty quiet week all around. Tahoe Sierra MLS had 210 Active listings as of 4/28, with 165 in the Truckee area including Palisades and Northstar. Incline/Crystal Bay had 78 Active and 12 Contingent. Incline had two new listings at $8M; Glenbrook had a new listing on the Back Road at $9.7M.
- Local/Real Estate/Luxe
- Our bears are waking up, have new babies and are on the prowl! Secure your homestead if you have local property.
- New hydrogen ferry ‘Sea Change’ for the Bay. A first in the Maritime world – will ferry passengers between Fisherman’s Wharf and the Ferry Building this summer. (I keep thinking hydrogen will become a great energy resource for a lot of things…like cars.)
- Our future snowboard stars: https://tinyurl.com/2v2n9hzx
- Warming temps! 89 in Reno this week, and hitting 70 locally. Now concern is potential flooding. However, it’s really nice to see the snow disappearing and growies emerging…. scattered daffodils…little cheerful colors in our mid-season landscape.
- Dubai land sale: Plot of land on human-made Dubai Island sells for record $34M—and there’s nothing but 24,500 square feet of sand
- Waldorf Astoria at Tahoe! TRPA gave our Chase International partner’s project its final blessing, so plans for the complete rebuild of the old Tahoe Biltmore in Crystal Bay are now on go. More to come as I have new info. With the new owner and hopefully new life for Cal Neva, that corridor will once again be a lively spot for residents and visitors.
- Fun history of Virginia City, NV. Gold, Ghosts, and Gin. https://tinyurl.com/3szhmfre
- Cushing Crossing – Palisades Tahoe May 13th. This classic ‘pond skim’ event is not to be missed. Check this out for info/registration. https://tinyurl.com/mvyz429x
- Entertainment
- Watch “Madea – let them go” – A funny, classic life lesson. https://youtu.be/CTPzXwNVc9g
- TidBits
- I’ll never forget the look on the cashier’s face when she scanned the package of bird seed, and I asked her how long does it take for the birds to grown once I plant them.
- It’s not drinking alone if the dog is home.
- I try to avoid anything that makes me look fat. Scales and mirrors for example.
- Lawn mowing hack: https://tinyurl.com/ywjjfup4
- The last day of 2023: 123123
- “With so many things coming back in style, I can’t wait until morals, respect and intelligence become a trend again.” Denzel Washington
- Rooneyisms: 1) “I’ve learned that no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.” 2) “Opportunities are not lost; someone will take the ones you miss.” 3) “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.”
- Will Rogers. 1) “There are three kinds of men: the ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them must pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.” 2) “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.” 3) “Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it’s called golf.”
- My mother taught me about Osmosis. “Shut your mouth and eat your supper.” My mother taught me about Hypocrisy. “If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times, don’t exaggerate.”
So, on that note, will sign off for this week and see you next time! I think we’ll get some rain this week that should help reduce our snow banks even more.
Best wishes,