Greetings Fellow Life Travelers:
Fabulous Fourth of July weekend and celebratory events! The weather was great and crowds abundant. Hopefully all good for the stores and restaurants. The down side was the 8,559 lbs. of discarded cigarette butts, plastic food wrappers, beach toys and even barbecues were collected over the course of 3 hours. A total of 402 volunteers worked six beach locations around the lake, according to a statement released by Keep Tahoe Blue. 6,279 pounds of trash, 73% of the day’s totals, was collected from Zephyr Shoals, an unmanaged stretch of beach on the east shore. (See photo below.) All the efforts on the part of our agencies to bring awareness to keeping Tahoe clean does not seem to be doing a bit of good. If the trash is not removed, it will end up in the Lake. This is when one starts pondering gated entries to the Lake with pass permits.
- Residential Real Estate – week 7/1 – 7/7
- Tahoe Sierra MLS – North/West Shores & Truckee. New Listings – 26; Escrows – 24; Solds – 18
- Incline Village/Crystal Bay MLS. New Listings – 13; Escrows – 6; Solds – 7
- East Shore, NV MLS. New Listings – 9; Escrows – 9; Solds – 1
- Reno/Sparks MLS. New Listings – 135; Escrows – 133; Solds – 65
For Tahoe Sierra MLS, sell to list price was 99%, showing that current prices are holding very well. Martis Camp had two pricy ones go to escrow – $11.995M & $15.795M. Of the 18 closings, 9 were under $1M. Incline/Crystal Bay perked up quite a bit with 13 new listings and two lakefront solds – one at $15M that I may have reported before as an off-market, and the other $22.873M, listed at $25M. East Shore came to life with 9 new listings and 9 escrows – 2 at $8.7M and $6.95M. Reno had 2 new listings over $5M – one at $5.85M and the other, a Chase listing at $6.25M.
- Local/Real Estate/Luxe
- Christy Hill, Tahoe City, has a new addition to the Sandbar featuring a brand-new food truck and serving lobster rolls, frico caldo (trust us, you’ll want to try this Italian delicacy!) and fresh shucked oysters as well as other goodies! As always wine and beer flows.
- Desolation Hotel, South Lake Tahoe, with private beach access, has now purchased the old Sorenson’s Resort in Hope Valley that it is upgrading. Beautiful spot, especially in the fall with the aspens in full color.
- Access ramp for the Boardwalk at Tahoe Meadows, Mt. Rose. Tahoe Fund has teamed up with the Tahoe Meadows Access Ramp committee to raise the $150k needed to bridge two sets of stairs, giving easy wheelchair access. Matching funds up to $75K. To donate – https://tinyurl.com/2ubrp4fr
- Space travel. Interesting report from William Shatner after his trip to space at 90 yrs. old. https://tinyurl.com/4k2r3ffx
- 2.3-mile Tunnel Creek Singletrack Trail now under construction. This will remove the conflict of hikers and bikers along busy Tunnel Creek Road. Numerous funding sources coordinated by Tahoe Fund.
- Hiring boom in housing construction! Builders and residential trade contractors added 59,800 jobs in May, an uptick of 10,800 jobs over what would be expected normally.
- Siren song of simplicity. Over-the-top tech installations in homes are not for all. Even some in the tech industry are eschewing same in their personal homes, citing invasion of privacy, dependence on phone or tablet to control, etc. And, there are plenty who are not that tech savvy and aren’t the least bit interested in learning how to operate the homes lights by remote when a hand switch works just fine! Mansion Global
- Best hamburger. I’m told that the Brewery, behind Safeway in Tahoe City, has the best!
- Entertainment
- Chase International’s 27th annual Luxury Estates Tour…in case you missed it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIGqr4eydXo
- TidBits
- I signed up for exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting clothing. If I had any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn’t have signed up to begin with.
- I had the rudest, slowest, nastiest cashier today. I guess it’s my own fault for using the self-checkout lane.
- “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” John D. Rockefeller
- “Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.” Eric Hoffer
- There is no WiFi in the forest, but we promise you will find a better connection.
- Cleaning the house with everyone home is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.
- I’m good at buying produce and throwing it away two weeks later, and leaving laundry in the dryer until it wrinkles. Then turning on the dryer to de-wrinkle and forgetting it again.
- Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing.
- You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to bed with satisfaction.
- Apparently, you can’t use ‘beef stew’ as a password. It’s not stroganoff.
- You are about to exceed the limits of my medication.
- Little Larry watched, fascinated, as his mother smoothed cold cream on her face. “Why do you do that, mommy?” “To make myself beautiful,” said his mother who then began removing the cream with a tissue. “What’s the matter?”, asked Larry, “Giving up?”
- Definitions: 1) Committee: A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours. 2) Dust: Mud with the juice squeezed out. 3) Handkerchief: Cold storage. 4) Wrinkles: Something other people have…similar to my character lines.
- I’ve started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s all about raisin awareness.
- Once upon a time there was a King who was only 12 inches tall. He was a terrible King but her made a great ruler.
- After years of research, scientists discovered that bees are allergic to pollen. Turns out, when exposed to pollen, bees develop hives.
With that bit of intel, I’ll move on to tasks at hand, one of which is creating a mailing list for 92 neighbors as we are creating a Firewise neighborhood. Have a great week, and see you next time!
Best wishes,